Biosphere & Initi

Prague’s Planetarium presents Norwegian ambient music legend Biosphere.

Biosphere Initi sign

Biosphere & Initi

At the Planetarium

Unique audiovisual experience

The recorded performance combining music by Biosphere, a legendary Norwegian ambient musician, and projection by visual artist INITI made especially for planetariums, provide a unique opportunity to experience a journey across the atmosphere and to immerse oneself in the infinity.

Musician Geir Jenssen-Biosphere has been living beyond the Arctic Circle for a long time and the experience of the free space of the northern night and day landscape is reflected in his work with electronic ambient sound surfaces.

The composition of his performance gradually breaks away from earthly sounds, absorbs the sounds and commotion of space explorers to open up into cosmic imagination, incorporated abstract echoes and sound flows. The visual projection traces this journey, combining original digital animations.. The moving images projected to the casing of the cupola first shows the earthy point of view, a human look into the open night sky, uncovering constellations, light pollution, floating clouds, snowstorms as well as airplanes and rockets launching into space. The images then leave the earth-bound visual perception and let the viewer fly through a star cluster into the cosmos where perspective no longer exists, just like a realistic vision. The pulsing geometric images transform into a fluid substance that flows over the dome-shaped projection screen, opening and immersing the viewer into its centre, letting them walk to the very “edge” of the universe. At the end of the journey, the perspective shifts back to Earthlings, or to their subjective introspection. The dramaturgical line, no matter how simple, links all the components of the performance into a homogenous unit, so it is not just a formalistic play, as we know from the majority of spectacular, not story-based projections.

The symbiosis of the meditative music ambience, the image on the edge of VJing and the spherical, concaved projection give viewers a strong physical experience, more impressive and freer than what virtual realities and 3D cinema permit, simulating the state of lightness, zero gravity, vertigo, or even a hallucinatory perception from the movement through the abstract cosmic space-time. 

8K Full HD icon
50 min icon

360° Fulldome projection

Featured at:


Geir Jenssen (Biosphere)

Biosphere is the main recording name of Geir Jenssen (born 30 May 1962), a Norwegian musician who has released a catalogue of ambient electronic music. He is well known for his works on ambient techno and arctic themed pieces, his use of music loops, and peculiar samples from sci-fi sources. His 1997 album Substrata was voted by the users of the Hyperreal website in 2001 as the best all-time classic ambient album.


Biosphere regularly performs live during electronic music festivals and in clubs throughout Europe and various other locales around the world. Live performances usually consist of Jenssen performing improvisations or variations on newer tracks on a laptop while video art is projected behind him; for example, full-screen video art was projected in his Picturehouse cinema tour in April 2006. Although these performances are rarely tied specifically to a recent album release, the uptempo material from the Bleep and Microgravity/Patashnik era is occasionally featured in Biosphere performances.In May 2004, Biosphere’s first United States performance took place in Detroit.


In 2008 Jenssen announced a year-long break from touring due to his reported hatred of „airports, security checks, unhealthy food, air conditioning, hotels, etc.“. However he resumed concert activity in 2009 and 2011.

Dan Gregor (INITI)

Visual artist Dan Gregor (INITI) creates an interactive and dynamic light installations in public spaces. Using exact calculations and architectural plans of buildings he subjects the original architecture to illusionist games and through virtual objects he animates static buildings.


As a former founder and half of main creative duo of projection mapping group The Macula (2009-2015 – group break-up explanation see here) he was involved as a author in such projections of Prague Clocktower, New Museum of Liverpool (2011), Khôra I. or Khôra II. etc. Dan collaborates with various theaters and musical groups. In 2013 for Laterna Magica of National Theatre in Prague creates visual production based on Václav Havel’s collection of experimental poetry Anticodes.


Along with musician Tomáš Dvořák (Floex) he has created an interactive installation Archifon I. for Olomouc animation festival for PAF, its free sequel Archifon II. for Brussels festival Nuit Blanche in 2012 and Archifon III. for festival Ars Electronica 2014 where also interactive installation Netykavka was involved. In 2015 he started collaborating with Norwegian musician Biosphere and founded the creative platform for audiovisual research


The show is designed only for planetariums, eventually allowing space with dome projection. Projection room must be equipped with digital projection systems and the possibility of placing at least quadraphonic audio system.

Minimum resolution of digital projection system is set at 2048 x 2048 px. Ideally we prefer technical equipment with the possibility of a maximum resolution of 8192 x 8192 pixels.


Projection system must be able to play JPEG sequence at a frequency of 30 frames per second and have the ability to handle so called Domemaster format.

The details of launching the screening is necessary to discuss together with the technical department of a particular planetarium. Technical department of planetarium will determine time necessary for images preparation that will be used in projection. We guarantee that we will send image data in advance upon agreement.


"It was brilliant idea to present these audio visual orgies in a space like Planetarium."
"Amazing, unique experience, I want to go back! Thanks!"
Ola Srovnalová
Amazing trip to an outer space full of stars! Thanks!"
Martin Kovalčík
"It was beautiful! You made my day!"
An Horká

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Geir Jenssen / Biosphere


Dan Gregor, Dalibor Cée /


Jan Reindl
+420 777 841 798
Petr Hájek
+420 606 649 170
Josef Sedloň
+420 602 342 642
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